So it's time to look back and reflect on 2016 and plan ahead a little for 2017. Early in the year I made a modest intercity move. While not a huge distance, it threw my routine into chaos for some time. And some later complications conspired to make this one of my less productive years. Still . . . I got a few dozen miniatures done of different sorts. And absolutely zero games, I think. I aim to fix this part. One of the advantages of the new place was supposed to be more space to game. However, the newfound lack of proximity to my usual gaming friends didn't really help much. Sure, I've gaming friends in the new town as well, but . . . it takes time to settle in and sort out schedules. And crawl out from under the rock my own peculiar psychoses dispatched me to. So resolution number one for 2017: play games. That's what all this junk is for.
It's almost painful to analyze what I did relative to my goals, but here goes. Here's what I laid out in the planning phase of 2016:
A. Work on assorted miniatures backlogs before you buy new stuff . . .I bought new stuff, but not huge shedloads of it. Relatively little, all told. So maybe A wasn't a total catastrophe.
B. A 1/2400 city would be pretty sweet.Fail
C. Still want that temple and that brothel and maybe a bar. You need more buildings.A bit more mixed here. I didn't build a brothel or bar, or the specific temple I had in mind, but I did build new buildings, one of which is indeed religious. (And will get some sci-fi signage eventually.)
D. Still need a ship for the gang.Made a little quiet progress here, actually, but not enough to show. I bought some "materials" and began hacking things apart, but I haven't started welding anything back together yet. All still pieces.
E. And a rock.
Yeah, another fail. Kind of shoved that to the side.
And here's the meager 2016 output:
In 1:2400 . . .
Three freighters. Yep. That's the whole year.
But I did get more than a few 28 mm sci-fi folk and fauna done. No flora this year, but . . . I've an idea or two. It's on the list.
1, 2, 3, and 4
5 (left goat only)
7, 8, 9, 10
13, 14
15, 16 (the two eldar)
21 (left) and 22 (right)
23 (right)
25 and 26 (Ignore the orange blur in the foreground for now.)
and 30
And of course there were the obligatory few set pieces:
A control tower
A religious building
And a barn.
The overgrown lizard poking his head out is a temporary resident. He doesn't usually stay there. Just came to visit for Christmas. Incidentally, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year . . .

What, you say? Is that an oddly post-apocalyptic outpost beneath the tree and surrounded by a mix of anachronistically earthy looking trains? Why yes. Yes it is. Have a look.
So my 2016 output was about half my 2015 and 14 output. Which is rather ironic, in a way. But . . . it makes sense. On that note, let's set some goals for this lovely new year:
A. Please do try to get a little more done in 1/2400. Your navy felt neglected, what with no review and little new tonnage.
B. Some non-human civilians would be mighty nice.
C. Moab needs "entertainment." And maybe more religion. (There's plenty of lost souls to go around.)
D. Ships. Multiple now, and not just one. For the Lace Rock kinder and others. You have materials. Ues them.
E. Additional Space Port facilities.
F. Some more dense urban stuff might be a nice change.
G. A rock. The gang really does need their hidey-hole.
Thanks for joining me.
The Composer
You are hooked up well for the coming year, Mr. C. And if the control tower is a scratchbuild...your a genius!
ReplyDeleteI'd call it a kitbash myself, but it's one that would be hard to reproduce, as the parts aren't readily available and aren't from kits. Which . . . well . . . maybe yes, it might be a scratchbuild. Suggestive found object build. Let's see. The base was an aftermarket cupholder extension for a 1990 Miata. Before I cut it down some and added door trim. (Still have the car, but the cupholder is junk so . . . better use now.) The skinny part is a horn extension from a vintage loudspeaker. Not quite sure what loudspeaker. It was a random abandoned part of a sound system that had been pulled out of a church decades ago. I salvaged out of the organ loft. But the rest of the system is so long gone it's a bit of a mystery. The control booth itself is a deli tub of the sort you might use for potato salad. And the sensor enclosure on the top is the strainer from a broken teapot. Also included are a few interior odds and ends that aren't terribly visible until you pull the lid off the . . . err, the roof off the building rather.
ReplyDeleteSo . . . thank you. :"> I'm working on some companions for it so it can be featured a bit more prominently.
I always enjoy a peek behind the curtain. This one was especially informative. Thanks for sharing, and I'm looking forward to all the stuff on your blog in 2017.
ReplyDeletePay no heed to the man beside the easy cha . . . behind the curtain, rather. He is of no consequence. ;-) Thank you Maj. Guiscard. Glad you enjoyed.